One of the important objects of the Trust is to enable students to train in the Carrington tradition of the Alexander Technique.
The Walter Carrington Educational Trust has a Bursary Fund for students training at the Constructive Teaching Centre (CTC).
The Fund depends on donations, so the amount available for bursaries may vary from year to year.
Bursaries are for those in financial need, and who are considered suitable for the teacher training course. You are eligible to apply if you are a student at the CTC or have applied to become a student.
You can download the application form here.
Alternatively for a copy of the application form please send a SAE to
WCETrust/Alexander Technique
13, The Boulevard
Imperial Wharf
London SW6 2UB
The Bursary Fund is administered by the Bursary Committee. This committee is formed of WCET Trustees and other volunteers. The Bursary Committee does not include any teachers employed by the CTC or other employees of the Trust. The Committee does however canvass the opinion of the Head of Training as to progress or suitability of the candidate.
The Trust respects the confidentiality of bursary awards made and recipients are expected to do likewise. All unsuccessful applications will be destroyed within three months of the Committee’s annual meeting. The Committee’s decision is final. The deadline for applications for bursaries will be announced on this website. Successful applicants are informed by letter or email.
A bursary can start at the beginning of any term, i.e. either Autumn, Spring or Summer term. For example, a student can apply in May for a bursary to start in the following year’s Summer term (covering April–July). There is no upper age limit, but applicants must be over 18 years. For those aged under 25 years the application must take into account parents’ or guardians’ income.
If applicants are not already on the course, or have not already been offered a place, they will need to apply to join the training course in tandem with applying for a bursary. Bursary awards are conditional upon the student being offered and taking up a place on the training course.
There is no limit to the number of times a student or prospective student can apply.
An applicant considered by the Bursary Committee to be a potential candidate for a bursary award may be invited to attend an interview in which their bursary application will be discussed in more detail. Interviews will be held in London.